Vision Process 2024

In 2024, a Vision team was approved by Knox’s session, representing congregants of different ages, ministries, and length of time at Knox. Valerie Johnson and Clara Kim, two congregants with experience facilitating these processes, were chosen to help lead the team.

The vision process began with a seminar on September 1, when Knox elder and longtime member Fred Bailey spoke about “Understanding Our Cultural Moment,” drawing from his decades of experience at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Fred shared his observations of the challenges of Christian evangelism and discipleship for the next generation, challenging us to not simply assimilate or withdraw from these challenges, but to incarnate Christ’s love and truth within them.

Second and equally important in launching this vision, we conducted a church-wide congregational survey asking attenders and members to share what they view as the church’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the future. We received over 90 surveys with 60+ pages of content!

We proceeded to meet with our team over the fall, who had to complete some additional readings and research. We grounded the process in Scripture and prayer, shared our experiences at Knox, shed some tears, and ultimately arrived at a place of love for Knox and hope for its future.

The vision statement, values and measures were shared with Knox’s session in November and passed in December. Here is the statement:

Rooted in God’s grace, we seek to advance the flourishing of the world by reaching, nurturing, equipping, and mobilizing people with the truth and love of Jesus.

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Understanding Our Cultural Moment with Fred Bailey

Drawing from his decades of experience at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Knox elder and Vision team member Fred shared his observations of our cultural moment and the challenges that presents for Christian evangelism and discipleship.

Vision Team Commissioning

Team leader Valerie Johnson shared the outcome of our congregational survey and introduced our Vision team in October 2024.

Vision Announcement

Pastor Michael Payne, Team leader Valerie Johnson and Team member Faith Zimmerman announce the Vision in January 2025.